Introducing Myself: Lemerle Louie Phillippe

Introducing Myself: Lemerle Louie Phillippe

There is quite a long history of us standard poodles writing blogs about life in Greg and Nancy’s home.    I had to do a little research on how I ever got recruited to do this blogging because even I was unsure of the origins.    It all started way back in 2009, when  Allegro, a 12 year old black standard poodle would write about life with Nancy and Greg.   I was 2 at the time, and for some odd reason, Allegro started nudging me to also write about our insights into the lives of you humans.

I suppose from time to time, I may share some of Allegro’s old blogs because after all, she did train me quite well about life here.  But, as you can imagine, there are always surprises living with you humans, so I do find new material to write about too.

About Me:img_20100919_181450_2

Interests:  Orange, yellow, any ball fetching;  Running; Cuddling and listening to you humans try to understand life when you should just live it

Favorite Songs:   Take Me Out To The Ballgame; Let’s Go Fly A Kite;  Summertime and the Livin’ Is Easy

Life is short; so take time to listen and learn from your pets and each other!


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