About Us
Serenade: Actually, I was going to convince Serenade to write her own introduction, but she is being shy, like usual. She was adopted from Jill L. and Sally F. back in the Spring of 2011 after she had completed her show dog days and finished having puppies. She is an extremely gentle and easygoing except when she senses someone does not like her or belong here. From time to time, she will also write about her perspective on life at our home. Below is a photo of Serenade when she arrived with impeccable grooming done by Jill and the photo on the right is the grooming that Nancy attempts to do nowadays.
Louie Seriously, I don’t think I need an introduction, do I? But, here it goes anyway! I came here as a puppy from two breeders Linda C. in Toronto and Elaine R. in Minnesota (at the time). At the time, Nancy’s brother Mike worked for an airline so they were able to fly together to Toronto to pick up Louie. I remember she held me tight in her arms during the whole flight and to this day, I get those cuddles every night. Ah, you thought I was some “tough” guy, but I am all about being a lovable teddy poodle! Ok, here is my puppy photo and a more recent photo of me.