January 18, 2025
Have you ever felt a bit off and you can’t quite be sure what it is? Well, as a dog, I know that I am not even expected to have off days. But, I can’t seem to shake this odd feeling today. Today, I heard someone ask Nancy how she is and she said, “I am fine, thanks!” Nancy knew I would remain silent. When my humans are off, then I am off a bit too. I know Nancy is fine, according to those that see her; but, I sensed her heart was troubled.
At times like this, when she is in that tunnel, I am just there for her. Eventually, she emerges back to the light at the end of the tunnel. I sometimes think that is why us dogs are here for so many humans. We love unconditionally and we certainly don’t judge. I suppose we train our humans far more than they train us.
I will probably just nudge Nancy to practice her saxophone a long time tomorrow. I hear her sort out all of her thoughts and emotions through her music. Gosh, it is a win win situation for me because I get to be with her and hear her music. Please don’t e-mail or phone her because I shouldn’t be sharing this with you. Like many humans don’t do, I can share that life isn’t always as easy as people try to demonstrate. I really am that dog that simply loves my humans no matter what and I certainly don’t tell them to “snap out of it” when I can’t be in their heads.
Be there for someone today!
2 thoughts on “January 18, 2025”
Oh Harmony, I’m so very glad Nancy has you. Pets are so precious and remind us humans to focus on the simple things, like snuggling, when we’re in a funk. There are even trained therapy animals that do this very work! When I was in grad school, my supervisor told me about a therapy chicken. She had to do a site visit and was skeptical since she wasn’t particularly fond of chickens, but afterward, talked about how the chicken snuggled right into her lap and laid its head up against her chest. Some animals, like you Harmony, I think do this intuitively and I’m guessing that there is a physical sensation that calms a human’s nervous system (and perhaps the pet’s too). To me, that’s just amazing. Wishing you & Nancy many snuggles today, both for warmth and comfort!
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