January 10, 2025

January 10, 2025

I woke early today feeling  the desire to write my blog.  When I am  inspired, I must act for it may be only a  fleetin g moment to capture!      Quickly dispersed thoughts as if after those sunrises that we view one minute and  float away the next.   I can always improvise!

Perhaps that is what describes a dog’s life anyway.   Basically, we live mostly in the moment. We don’t sit and keep track of our human’s mistakes or failed promises.  OK, I usually do get to go for a ride when they call me in after I am adamant that I want to stay outside.  Hey, my Nancy was not a born dog trainer, so I have trained her well to come back outside and play with me.  (HEE, HEE!)   Likewise, I don’t judge her when she  plays fetch with me outside, rather than the long walks we should both be engaged in.   In other words, what happens in our house, stays in our house!

My full time job is therapy dog, especially now after Greg’s back surgery. This is a privilege to me because Greg is so chill, compared to Nancy in many ways.   Whoa, now I might get in trouble? I get to watch a lot of woodturning videos and action movies when we are home alone.    I lean against him as he so gently caresses me and/or I lay with my head on his leg.   I truly love my human companions equally.     

This week I also calmed Nancy when she lost her hearing in one ear for over a day.   To say she was nervous is an understatement.  You know, she NEVER goes to the doctor; but even with her awesome doctor out of the office this week, she saw a different doctor for her hearing loss.

As Porky Pig would say, “That’s all folks!”


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