December 25, 2024: Day 9 & 10 of The Ten Days of Christmas
For us, it is an unusual Christmas! I had better write my blog early since I learned I may be able to go visit Greg at the hospital later. As I contemplate the ninth day of my 10 days of Christmas, allow me to dwell on priceless gifts. For starters if I visit Greg at the hospital, it is free. Actually I only can offer free gifts. They are comfort, companionship, love, a listening ear, peace, and devotion.
So tuned in to my humans that I am able to know that they need me more than ever today. After Greg‘s surgery, Nancy is going to be able to come home and pick me up and take me back to the hospital. I suppose Nancy will make me wear those jingle bell collars and use that leash to parade me around the hospital. I might be a little embarrassed, but just so I get to go be with them on Christmas.

Happy Birthday, Jesus! There are just some things us dogs don’t know about human life on earth. Through my research on the internet, I learned that Jesus was born over 2000 years ago. I could not say it better than from Billy Graham’s message. Allow me to share it.
“The Bible tells us Jesus was the Son of God, who came down from heaven to give us the greatest gift any person can ever receive—the gift of eternal life. By nature we are separated from God because of our sins, but Jesus came to take away our sins and make us part of God’s family forever. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). God has done everything possible to give us the gift of salvation, but we must accept it by reaching out and inviting Him to come into our lives. If you have never done so, accept God’s Christmas gift to you by turning to Jesus and asking Him to come into your life.” Another priceless gift, the gift of Salvation.
Now, please allow me to share with you what I would give Jesus for His birthday with no research needed. I would give him a dog to keep Him company while He travels the earth. A dog could be at His side when He goes off by Himself to pray or just be alone. Most of all, I would give Jesus a dog so when He is crucified for all of mankind, that the dog could comfort Him through all His pain.
Happy Birthday, Jesus! I sure do look forward to meeting you in person one day. Thanks for the gift YOU gave on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to all of my readers.🎄🎄🎄
Photos were taken of me at the hospital yesterday.