June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

Since I am always honest, I need to vent about toenail grinding. Seriously, have you ever met a dog who has told a lie?! Well, perhaps 🤔 since I never need to lie, I assume other dogs don’t lie as well. Anyhow, in the past, my toenails  were groomed while I was on a  grooming table. Then, we moved to the floor while I  sit  in Nancy’s lap for my toenail grinding.   Just get this done quickly already!

This morning, I awoke  to the sounds of noisy chimes and trees swaying to the music.   My thoughts   lingered back into my previous dreamy state.  But, I am like Nancy in that I don’t care for the sounds of those chimes.   Sometimes, I don’t always get what I want!   I am too short to go out and remove those annoying chimes.   Please, pretty please, someone take down those chimes.   There,  since I can’t carry a chair, Nancy volunteered to take down those chimes for both os us.

Finally, peace and quiet and only the swaying of the winds to lull me back to sleep.  Until, Greg realized we took the chimes down and he “chimed in” on his desire to have the chimes back.   Whoa, and he doesn’t have strong opinions about many things around here, except those chimes.   Gosh golly, you would have thought that we took away his orange juice and cereal routine!  We will see how long it takes him to actually go out on the deck and hang those annoying chimes back up?!   For now, I can finish writing my blog in complete tranquility.

Here are some photos of our playtime yesterday.   I know, another random blog.


2 thoughts on “June 28, 2024

  1. Isn’t human perception interesting? Some of us love chimes, while others of us find them annoying. Why, I wonder? When I go into work, I often hear the chimes on campus as I’m walking in and I just love how nature can create music (with some help from humans who created the chimes). It’s a lovely way to brighten my day, particularly when I don’t feel bright, but I’ve heard chimes that I really dislike – the ones with a tin-like sound (I’m not sure how to describe it properly). Absolutely not. As with many things in life, I can’t unilaterally dislike all chimes. Enough on that…. Thanks for sharing the pictures- they show the pure joy of loving the beautiful Minnesota summer!

  2. Very nice picture of a very nice dog! Keep up the good work. As to the chimes . . . I try not to disagree with you, Harmony, however I LOVE those chimes. I have many of them and have had many in the past. They all have a story to go with them but I won’t bore you with that – plus it would take a whole page to document it all. I just happen to love the sounds and the ones I have now have the deeper (although LOUDER) tones. To me they are a reassuring sound that there is some air moving around and that things are alive. A very still day without a breeze makes me nervous – a little wind/breeze lets me know there is still a dynamic thing happening. Sorry to disagree with you – I know a lot of people find them annoying. I just don’t happen to be one of them. Have a great 4th of July celebrating our country. Whatever your beliefs are – we are all lucky to be here I think.

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