Cooking Fiasco: April 23, 2024

Cooking Fiasco: April 23, 2024

Just when Nancy was starting to enjoy cooking, a fiasco occurred.   She was preparing an easy meal that Greg loves and quite frankly, the hamburger smelled pretty good.  Then, it happened.   She grabbed the Livia seasoning  container and dumped in almost the whole container, instead of sprinkling some over the hamburger.   She tried to rescue the pile of seasoning   out of the frying pan, and continued with the green beans and cheese layers.   I was watching all of this thinking, this won’t be good.   At the same time, I was hoping that this would come off as a humorous lesson.  This was the second time that Nancy poured from the wrong side of that Livia seasoning.   She looked at me as if to say “I know, who was I kidding that I like to cook!?”

True to my character, I soon convinced her not to accept such a lie about cooking.   Why is it that you humans tend to see the negative in situations, instead of the humor or lessons learned?   Next time Nancy buys that awesome seasoning, she will simply tape that “pour” side shut.    As for leftovers, well the top half was saved and Greg piped in that he is looking forward to that for dinner while Nancy is away.   Back to finding the lightness in a  situation debacle.   I am so glad that I was there to remind Nancy to laugh about her recipe  blunder.   I think deep down inside, Greg is glad he won’t have that dish for leftovers many times because we all know it is not the mostly healthy meal.

Speaking of the cooking around here.  Recently, Nancy did find a new healthier recipe.   I know without a doubt that she likes the recipe more than Greg likes the recipe.   It is called Tuscan Chicken and Roasted Veggies.    Who knew that tomatoes, green beans and zucchini could be so tasty in an olive oil, balsam vinegar marinate.   To appease Greg, she added little red potatoes because he wasn’t too crazy about the zucchini.  So there you go,  anyone can cook if they just keep a positive attitude.     This lighthearted dog did my job yesterday, yup, we will continue experimenting on healthier recipes!


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