Sunrises, February 26, 2024

Sunrises, February 26, 2024

Each morning, I eagerly run outside to catch the sunrise.  Astonished by the landscape before me, I return to  the house to alert Nancy.  She rushes on the deck, barefooted and in her robe with her camera in  hand.  She says she has to take at least twenty  photos before one    slightly catches the beautiful sunrises. Then, while I eat my breakfast, she sits sipping her coffee and writing in her journal.   Just about the time I am almost in a full nap after breakfast, she awakens  me when the sunrise continues to change and her scurrying for more photos, annoys me.

Why am I rambling about our sunrise routine?  I actually don’t need that sunrise boost each day like my human companions.   However, they have so much pleasure from those breathtaking views that I make sure that they never miss them.  Yesterday however,  when there were only gray skies and no sun, this brought us all to a new revelation.

Sometimes, you humans need to listen to us dogs when it comes to your emotions and circumstances.  Be happy and at peace even if there is no gorgeous sunrise or if  you don’t get what you think you want.  My role in this life is to be a good role model for my humans.   In other words, be happy and joyful in all of my circumstances.    Yup, that even includes when I don’t have my preferred treats or enough fetch balls on hand.   It really is that simple!  Be joyful and at peace in all situations and by the way, have a dog in your life if at all possible!

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