New Puppy, Meet Miche! January 19, 2024

New Puppy, Meet Miche! January 19, 2024

Perhaps, subconsciously I have avoided sharing the great news of the arrival of a new dog at my friend’s house, making that two dogs for them.     My friends host my webpage and I already love their first dog, Brioche.   So, when I heard that they got a new puppy, I was a little jealous.  Yup, dogs can be jealous too you know.  We just don’t like to admit it.    But, I suppose after having lived with two other dogs for the first years of my life at this home, I do realize that we can be a bit of a high maintenance with our grooming, walking and  you know, just life.  Enough about that, it isn’t always about me, after all!

Anyhow, let me introduce Miche to all of my readers.    She is another French Bull Dog and so so adorable.   Without a doubt, her and Brioche will enjoy many hours of spreading joy in Alicia and Andy’s home.   I just realized that when they began hosting my blog, they did not own a dog yet? Hmmmm…….I wonder if my blogs showed them how cool a dog in the family can be?   There I go, talking about myself…..geeesh!

It is obvious from the photos that not only is Miche adorable, she is being embraced by all of Andy and Alicia’s family.    Since they are so brilliant at setting up webpages and hosting them, I wonder when they will find time to start their own blog about their family?    I sure look forward to having them over to our home in 2024.    Congratulations on your additional member  to your already beautiful family Alicia and Andy!




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