Halloween, November 1, 2023

Halloween, November 1, 2023

While it is rare that I write my blog in the middle of the night, I am doing just that right now.   You see, we recently moved and even I  have tons of adjustments.    Of course, I don’t have to do any of the work, so I am able to relish all the new fragrances surrounding our new home.  According to Nancy, she liked the backyard view more than the house itself.    She is correct in stating that it is almost perfect for me too.   I don’t strive for perfection, but rather, I nudge my human companions in the art of a positive attitude when perfection is not attainable.

I suppose what prompted me to finally write a blog after a few weeks off is the Halloween experience yesterday.  While Nancy is not a fan of Halloween, she is a huge fan of children and people.  At first when I saw two boxes of candy bars from Costco, I figured she had a lot of student’s birthdays  or “student of the week” treats.   Then, the door bell kept ringing and kids were showing up in costumes  and she was giving them candy bars.    It all seemed really cool, yet ridiculous to me.  This went on from 4:30-8:00 with quite a steady flow of mostly nice kids.   We had almost 60 kids for treats.    Only one kid was impressed by my charm, the others just wanted their candy and left abruptly.   Hey readers, how many trick or treaters came to your house?

Since we could not live near the ocean, our sunrise view of the backyard landscape will suffice.   You see, our first hour of every morning is quite chill no matter how busy our day ahead may be.    It is my way of helping my humans keep everything in perspective as they navigate through their daily schedules.


One thought on “Halloween, November 1, 2023

  1. Those are absolutely gorgeous pictures of the back yard – what a beautiful and peaceful way to start each day! It sounds like you were welcomed to the neighborhood by an impressive number of trick-or-treaters braving the cold. That’s a bummer, Harmony, that only one of them greeted you. Perhaps you need to wear a costume next year? That always got Ike a lot of attention. Sadly we both had to work late on Tuesday but we left a bucket of candy out, which was empty when we got home. Neighbors reported around 50 kids, which is fairly typical. Hope you are out enjoying this beautiful fall day!

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