June 23, 2023
Today, I have a choice to either have my final grooming done or write my blog. Hello, I think you can guess what I decided to do since you are reading this blog. You see, we would finish that grooming in the very hot garage. I write my blog in the nicely air conditioned house. I wonder what most humans and their dogs do when it is so hot outside if they don’t have air conditioning? Definitely, I am feeling so thankful right now as I contemplate what I will write about today?
As I am writing this blog, Greg is watching the new movie Avatar: The Way of Water and Nancy is listening to music with her AirPods connected. To say it is finally a lazy day here is quite an understatement. We all need those kinds of days, even us dogs. Except, it seems that I am the only one NOT being lazy since I am working on my blog. No fair, right? OK, let me try to expedite the writing of this blog so I can be lazy then too! Besides, the Minnesota Twins don’t play a baseball game until later today, so I will prefer to watch them than this Avatar movie.
Perhaps you could use a really silly knock knock joke that Nancy made up this week? (I know, now I am stretching for material for my blog today!) So, here it goes! Knock Knock. Who is there? Walleye Walleye who? Walleye (Well, I) just thought I would stop by to say HELLO and thanks for reading my blog!
The photo above was taken when I was playing fetch at the farm recently. You can see why I love it there!
P.S. Knock-knock Who’s there? Tuna Tuna who? “tuna, tune-a in to the next blog soon!