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Month: June 2020

Recipes For Humans!

Recipes For Humans!

Today’s topic of food is one that I have rarely discussed in my blogs. While food is indeed a necessity, us dogs certainly do not dwell on it like you humans do. We simply eat what is put in front of us and don’t usually think about it.  So that should throw out any notion you may have that us standard poodles are finicky eaters! You know that saying: “One should eat to live, not live to eat.” Well, both…

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Attitude Adjustment

Attitude Adjustment

Have you ever been dragged along to somewhere only to discover a brand new adventure? Well, that is exactly what happened to me yesterday. Nancy said I had had enough of sitting around and that I needed some stimulations. I reminded her that I have enough that arouses my interests right in my own home and backyard. But, no, she would not listen. So, I grudgingly made my way to the car. As we drove, I recalled how much I…

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Introducing Brie!

Introducing Brie!

My friend, that hosts just got an adorable dog! I am wondering if I can take some credit for inspiring him to finally get a dog? After all, people see how much I appreciate my human family, not to mention all the love and joy I provide for them. I was unable to go meet Brie the other night in person, but I am living vicariously through Nancy and Greg’s first encounters with their new french bull dog friend….

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Trust and Excitement

Trust and Excitement

The other day, I had a wonderful blog in my head about TRUST. Now however, I find myself trying to trust my faltering memory. This happens far too often lately. Then, Nancy reminds me that she is right next to my side helping me. I need to act on TRUST instead of writing about TRUST! You see, I can’t do steps very well anymore. There are times that I attempt steps on my own to only fall flat on my…

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The Simple Things!

The Simple Things!

As you already know, I write my blog to simply add a bit of sunshine into your world. Today, my topic is a bit odd, but here it goes. I think sometimes humans have to venture out of their comfort zone to discover that they remained in their comfort zone for a reason. Yup, to make a full circle back to their original dreams and goals. That is not to say that some may divert from their comfort zone only…

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One Day at a Time!

One Day at a Time!

My job as Lighthearted Louie is to remain positive for both my owners/family and my readers. If you think this is difficult to accomplish as a dog writing for you humans, that is definitely an understatement. As dogs, we simply try to be present for humans. We are so appreciative that you feed and walk us, but our joy is to see our owners happy. After all, we are wired to just love life and that, is exactly what I…

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