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Month: May 2020

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend

Don’t you just love rainy days? This time, all of us at our home anticipated a rainy weekend. I motivated everyone to finish their outside chores so we could enjoy some snuggle time. Right now, we are watching the replay of a 1991 Baseball World Series game. You may remember that I am a huge Minnesota Twin’s Baseball fan, right?! I wonder what all of my fans (I think I have a few fans?) are doing this rainy Memorial Day…

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Hope Happens! May 21, 2020

Hope Happens! May 21, 2020

Sometimes, even us dogs find hope in odd places. It was quite a normal Tuesday when I got all excited that it was time to mow the backyard. Around here, that means we can stay outside for at least an hour, and that is not counting our several walks. I observed from the deck outlined with flowers. With each breath, I inhaled the different senses of flowers and I listened to the bird songs (even though accompanied by some loud…

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Kindness 101, May 16, 2020

Kindness 101, May 16, 2020

Finally, we watched a movie that seemed quite applicable to training anyone on this earth. Let’s just say that they compared training a puppy to training a human. I know, I could barely believe my floppy ears when I began to watch this movie! Every time the puppy did something right, it got a treat – sounds all good, right?! Every time the human greeted the puppy, they were excited to see them, ah, duh! But, the part I loved…

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Spring in Progress!

Spring in Progress!

I almost forgot why we did not have all of these beautiful flowers last year, until I watched all the preparation and planting the past few days. I was so excited to see the dolly come out of storage because I thought I was going to get a ride on it? But, I soon learned it’s mission was to move all the clay pots. (It is still in the backyard, so I am not losing hope on my dolly ride,…

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May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

If there is ever one thing us dogs don’t do very often, it is to become perplexed. I just don’t understand why my sudden display of energy would cause Nancy to get all emotional? We were outside and I started playing with Harmony, simply forgetting how old I really feel lately, when Nancy became all teary eyed?! I was like, what is up with her now? Shouldn’t she be happy that I am happy? Apparently not, and she was so…

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Our Visitor, Sadie

Our Visitor, Sadie

During this time of quarantine at home, even us dogs need a break from our usual routine! That is exactly what I got on Sunday when we welcomed our friend Sadie, back for a short visit. Perhaps you recall that I am always chaperoning Harmony so with Sadie visiting, I could relinquish my duties for a few hours. Harmony wore out everyone while she played the game I taught her – fetch the ball! It was a satisfying day to…

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May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020

Truly, it is spring and for this reason, I can get my leap of joy back into my prance for so many reasons! First of all, this means that Nancy will be mowing the lawn and she allows us to stay outside for the duration. I just love the smell of freshly mowed lawn, don’t you? Secondly, I get to watch the progression of the iris and tulips blooming on the side of our house. Each day, after our walk,…

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