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Month: April 2019

Happy Easter, 2019

Happy Easter, 2019

“Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoppin’ down the bunny trail, hippity hoppin’ Easter’s on its way” is being sung wherever I go lately. (OK, so what if it is ONLY my owner I am hearing sing this cute little tune!) So, of course, I had to look up the lyrics for this silly song. I learned it was written by Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins. The 1950 recording that you may recall is with Gene Autry singing this Easter classic. It…

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April Fool’s Day Week: April 5, 2019

April Fool’s Day Week: April 5, 2019

It all happened on April Fool’s Day this year. Nancy sent out an e-mail to all of her family that was so believable that most of them fell for the joke. I have strict instructions to not divulge the situation. I can say however, that it had to do with her moving to a much warmer climate. Obviously, that would have included us canine. I never read the e-mail so I am just saying, why would you humans work to…

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