Love is in the Air! April 18, 2017

Love is in the Air! April 18, 2017

Recently, this delivery truck dropped off a huge flower arrangement for Nancy.  Of course, I could not help him carry it in, but I alerted Greg to open the door.   Now, us dogs don’t get too excited about flowers, but we do get excited when anyone stops over, even if it is just a delivery guy.  When Nancy arrived home, she was so very touched by the gorgeous arrangement that Greg ordered for their Wedding Anniversary.  First she said, “Oh Honey, you should not have spent all that money on those flowers!” and all of sudden, after I sent her a flaming glare, she abruptly said, “but, they are absolutely gorgeous, the most beautiful flowers that I have ever seen!”

I think she remembered the times I had to scold her when Greg bought her another flower arrangement and she was just upset with the money spent instead of enjoying the gift.   It really is a gift in itself to let the giver enjoy the art of giving, right?!   Take me for instance, you will never have me tell someone that they should not have spent money on me for any gift, whether it is a new bone, ball, treat, toy – you get the idea. Nope, I just smile and wag my tail to say THANKS.  I really enjoy the other gift of seeing my giver so happy that I am happy.

Have you all figured this out yet, that the BEST gifts you can give to any pet or human are  your love and TIME! I just love it when Nancy or Greg remember to take time to talk to me.  
I know some people think that we just hear “blah, blah, blah” but, we really listen to your heart and you don’t even have to talk and we understand.  You read that right; we just listen to your heart! Sometimes it beats fast and other times, it needs a jump start, but most of the time, I hear the heart say what you humans never seem to be able to say because you are perhaps afraid to interpret your heart?!  I think that is why Nancy gravitates  to MUSIC – I hear her heart best when she plays her saxophone.    We don’t judge you like other humans do either.
You guessed it, we should teach humans to be more like dogs…ha, ha, just kidding!  By the way, Nancy says Greg has the biggest and kindest heart of all and that is partially why their marriage works.   I say their marriage works because of (really, you don’t know?) ME, yup that is affirmative.  Of course, they won’t admit it, but I certainly nudge them on ideas to keep their romance alive. Don’t you think I told Greg to order those flowers after all!



4 thoughts on “Love is in the Air! April 18, 2017

  1. Louie-Do give Nancy & Greg our congratulations and best wishes on their anniversary! And the flowers are absolutely beautiful – good choice 🙂

  2. Louie, please relay my congratulations to Nancy & Greg on their anniversary! I think one of the wisest things you wrote was that sometimes the best gift is allowing someone else to be the giver. That is something I need to work on, as well.

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