April 9, 2017

April 9, 2017

Today, Nancy was talking about the great PCA: Poodle  Club of America National Specialty Dog Show  because we are going to have a guest here while Serenade’s breeder travels to the big event.   You may have read about Harmony, Jill’s dog that stayed with us this past September?!  It got me thinking about how so many people and dogs get to travel so much.   If I even hint about going somewhere, Nancy goes off on this long tangent about  how  she travels in her music!     Seriously, am I suppose to know her that well that I now can interpret her music travels?  She explains that musicians can travel anywhere in their head and heart in their music.  I understand her music language more than she knows because us dogs prefer to live this life with few words too.    Ok, so she may talk more than she should or wants to talk; but,   she really prefers to share her life through her music. Hmmmm….maybe this is the reason that so many musicians have dogs – dogs allow  them speak in notes, not expecting anyone to need to know what they are saying.  They all just listen to each other.  Oh, I just know I am not making much sense to some of you and I apologize if I am being vague because I am just so excited that Harmony is coming back for a week or more.   Instead of me traveling, I will enjoy  vicarious pleasures of Harmony’s travels!

I listen to her (Nancy) play saxophone or bassoon and all I hear is passion flowing through the notes, so much so that it leaves my head spinning.  Then, I literally fall asleep and dream about all those travels that I never will get to physically travel.
Remember, I am just a dog feeling invigorated from my daily walks and those occasional car rides and I don’t think I miss traveling too much because I do not know what I am missing.   But, with the huge PCA approaching, I hope that Harmony will enjoy our humble home instead of being in the famous PCA dog rings?!    I suppose I better quit writing this blog and go plan events for her stay so she will feel fortunate to stay here with us.   Dreaming of Harmony now, about to travel to our house soon!


One thought on “April 9, 2017

  1. Hope you have a wonderful time during Harmony’s visit Louie! Music is good for the soul in so many ways – it’s such a gift to all. Enjoy your dream travels and hosting your guest!

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